Enrolment options

**Audience:** Students who would like to improve their employability by learning a highly desirable skill. Students who would like to do any English Linguistic courses with a quantitative component in the future. It can also be beneficial to those who are more literature-based but would like to do more digital humanities. Students who are interested in Artificial Intelligence.

**Description**: This class is an introduction to computer programming in the high level programming language Python. To make the course relevant to linguists, you will learn how Python can be used to solve some fun linguistic problems such as ‘What’s the most used word by William Shakespeare? Who has a bigger vocabulary: Jay-Z or Helene Fischer? and some fundamental linguistic tasks: part-of-speech tagging, syllabification, discovery of morphemes and phrases, and cryptography/author identification. We will learn to conduct some basic language processing, such as compiling frequency lists for segments/syllables/words and regular expressions. The class is suitable for students with little to no prior experience in computing or programming.

(Tentative): Textbook: Horstmann & Necaise, Python for Everyone, 3rd. Ed. (eBook recommended)

You will need a computer for every class.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)